Internet Safety day takes place in February each year. This day was officially celebrated last week during the school's mid term break, so we are hosting a special assembly on Wednesday to share the important message of being safe online. Our digital leaders have prepared a presentation and will deliver this on Wednesday.
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week, and the focus is Know Yourself, Grow Yourself. The aim is to encourage children and young people to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them. We look forward to engaging our school in a range of activities which promotes positive mental health in all our children
On Friday 10 January 2025 Primary One application procedure opens with online portal available from 12noon. On Friday 24 January 2025 at 12 noon the Online Portal will close. Any application received after 12 noon on 24 January 2025 will be treated as late. If you need any support or help to access the online portal please contact the school office and we will be happy to assist you.
The Board of Governors and Staff of St. Mary's on the Hill Primary School would like to wish our entire school community a happy, peaceful and holy Christmas.
We are delighted to invite perspective primary 1 parents to our Open Day on Friday 13th December. Principal, Mr. Matthew O'Brien, will host an information session at 9:30am, this will be followed by a tour given by our wonderful year 7 pupils. We look forward to meeting you soon.
Anti-Bullying Week 2024 will take place from Monday 11th - Friday 15th November, with the theme: Choose Respect. Odd Socks Day is taking place on Tuesday 12th November, with adults and children being encouraged to wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. The theme this year is ‘Choose Respect’ with an emphasis on adults and children alike to coming together to have discussions about what it means to disagree respectfully, how to cope with conflict and avoid resorting to bullying, and how we can all choose to lead by example.
Our Forest School programme is fully underway this year. Many of our classes are having the opportunity to participate in this fantastic approach to learning. This week P2, P3 and P6 will all be having lessons at Lilian Bland Park. Look out for some of the photos on Facebook.
The travelling book fair will be at our school week beginning 14th October. This a great opportunity to replenish your libraries at home. We will also be raising money for our school and hopefully be able to buy some new books as well.
On Friday 27th September we will be hosting a Colour Run on the school grounds. This day will also mark European Day of Languages. The day will be an opportunity to celebrate the diversity in our school and wider community. We look forward to an exciting day and also raising much needed funds for our school.
We look forward to welcoming back the children of St Mary’s on the Hill Primary School and we are getting ready to greet our new Primary Ones enthusiastically in the days to follow. This year, we are particularly mindful of how blessed, privileged and enriched our school family is by children and families from a diverse range of backgrounds, nationalities, and creeds. We celebrate difference, in all its forms, and we have high expectations that each child in our care and each staff member will live out the Gospel values of compassion, kindness, justice, courage, service, and peace. God bless.
The Board of Governors and Staff of St. Mary's on the Hill Primary School would like to wish everyone in our school community a happy, enjoyable and safe summer break. We look forward to seeing everyone back in the new term.
We are delighted to announce that St. Mary's on the Hill Primary School has been awarded the Autism NI Education Award. This award demonstrates the school's commitment to inclusivity and being open to the needs of all our learners. The staff have worked hard to achieve this award and we will continue to work to ensure all our learners receive the best possible care and education.
The excitement is building for our P7's show The Jungle Book. There will two performances of the show, Tuesday 11th June @ 1:30pm and Thursday 13th June @ 7:00pm. The children are really looking forward to performing to their families. We are extremely proud of each and every one of them.
This week the pupils of St. Mary's on the Hill P.S. are looking forward to their Sports Days. The P1 - P3 children will be having theirs on Thursday 23rd May in St. Mary's on the Hill P.S. playgrounds. Our P4 - P7 pupils will be having theirs on Friday 24th May. The P4 - P7 Sports Day will take place at Carnmoney P.S., our shared education partner. We look forward to welcoming parents and carers to both days.
This year, St Mary’s on the Hill Primary School is proud to announce that 16 of our staff members will be participating in the Belfast City Marathon to support a charity that holds deep significance within our school community. The Oscar Knox Fund, established in memory of a former pupil who tragically lost his battle with neuroblastoma in 2014, holds particular importance as this May marks Oscar’s 10th anniversary. Oscar was a kind, caring, and funny little boy who left a mark on many hearts. We are hoping to raise funds for this vital cause to support more children and families affected by this illness. Your generosity can make a meaningful difference. Please follow the link to make a donation. Thank you for your support.
We are delighted that our pupils are able to experience Forest School learning. Our pupils develop all aspects of thinking skills when they take part in these activities. The fact the learning takes place outdoors also contributes to positive mental health. All our classes look forward to taking part in a variety of activities and we have a well trained staff that are able to deliver these lessons also.
The Board of Governors and Staff of St. Mary's on the Hill P.S. would like to wish our entire school community a Happy and Holy Easter. We hope you enjoy the time spent together with friends and family. We look forward to welcoming all our pupils back on Monday 8th April.
As we move closer to the end of Lent, we will continue our Lenten promises by focusing on alms giving over the coming weeks. Our classes are raising money for Trocaire and the Daughters of Mercy. This fundraising is to support Ms Walsh as she makes her way to Nairobi to help children there, as well as our traditional fundraising for Trocaire. All your help and support, as always, is greatly appreaciated.
As a whole school community we are thinking of and praying for our wonderful P3 pupils who will be making their sacrament of reconciliation on Tuesday 12th March and Wednesday 13th March. They have been working very hard with their teachers and we know they will make their families very proud.
Next Thursday 7th March is World Book Day.. During the course of next week the children will be having opportunities to experience the wonderful world of books. Whether they are books that help us solve problems, give us information or facts or indeed something we can sit down enjoy and relax to with a nice cup of tea! We will be looking forward to celebrating everything to do with books.
This week we celebrate Science! A fantastic subject that explores our world and helps to develop skills in analysis, problem solving and thinking skills. This week we also look forward to Eureka Seekers being in school again and helping us to enjoy the fun side of Science. Look out for some amazing pics!
The Board of Governors and Staff of St. Mary's on the Hill P.S. would like to wish everyone in our school community a relaxing, happy and safe mid term break.
We will be participating in Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week from 5-11th February 2024. This year’s theme is ‘My Voice Matters’. Empowering children and young people can have a positive impact on their health and wellbeing. For example, children and young people who feel that their voices are heard - and that what they say makes a difference - have higher levels of self-efficacy and self-esteem. They also have a greater sense of community – and as people become empowered, they can work together to create positive changes for themselves and for others.
On Tuesday 9 January 2024 Primary One application procedure opens with online portal available from 12noon. On Friday 26 January 2024 at 12 noon the Online Portal will close. Any application received after 12 noon on 26 January 2024 will be treated as late. If you need any support or help to access the online portal please contact the school office and we will be happy to assist you.
A very Happy New Year to our whole school community. School will reopen to all our pupils on Friday 5th January 2024.
The Board of Governors and Staff of St. Mary's on the Hill Primary School would like to wish everyone in our school, local and wider community a very merry Christmas. We would also like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year for 2024.
We are delighhted to invite prospective families to our Open Day on Friday 15th December 2023. You will have the opportunity to meet our approachable and enthusiastic staff as well as get a sense of the unique ethos and atmosphere of our school. We look forward to seeing you there.
Road Safety Week is one of the biggest road safety campaigns. Every year, thousands of schools, organisations and communities get involved to share important road safety messages, remember people affected by road death and injury. We are delighted to support Brake with Road Safety Week and this year we are excited to annouce our partnership with Sustrans for the next three years were we will promote Active Travel to School. A special assembly will be held this week to launch the partnership, look out for more information.
This year Anti Bullying Week has the theme 'Make A Noise About Bullying' and will take place from Monday 13th to Friday 17th November. The week will be kicked off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 13th November, where adults and children wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. Too often, we are silent when we see bullying take place, silent about the hurt bullying causes, and silent when we hear bullying dismissed as ‘just banter’. It doesn't have to be this way. Of course, we won’t like everyone and we don’t always agree, but we can choose respect and unity.
Our children are having the opportunity this week to take part in workshops facilitated by the NSPCC. This is an important safeguarding programme to help children understand that abuse is never their fault, and that they have the right to be safe.
Next week, 16th October - 20th October, is Maths Week. This is an opportunity to celebrate all things Maths. The children will be involved in a range of Mathematical activities across the week and we will also be hosting a Parent workshop for P3/P4 parents on Tuesday 17th October. We hope that this will be a week that shows how important maths is and how fun it can be.
On Wednesday 11th October the PTA are hosting a coffee morning. At this event the Eco-council will also be recycling Halloween costumes. The proceeds that this raises will be put towards equipment and plants for our new polytunnels.
We love to celebrate each class’s work throughout the school. This month, all the work on our Celebration Wall in the school foyer reflects September as the ‘Season of Creation.’ Children from P1-P7 have been busy writing about, drawing, and painting their favourite parts of God’s creation. We hope you’ll agree that the display is a great reflection of our truly wonderful world!
In school we are very excited about beginning our Accelerated Reading again and launching Accelerated Maths. These are fantastic tools which encourage development in the key areas of Literacy and Numeracy. We will be motivating the pupils from P4 - P7 throughout the year with rewards and incentives to develop their skills in both these areas. Please encourage your child to take part fully.
It is wonderful to welcome back to school all the pupils of St. Mary's on the Hill P.S. We are very excited to welcome our new P1 children into our family and we hope they grow and develop during their time with us. We also welcome those other children who have joined us over the summer. We look forward to exciting and enjoyable times ahead.
The Board of Governors and Staff of St. Mary's on the Hill Primary School would like to wish everyone in our school community a happy, enjoyable and safe summer break. We look forward to seeing everyone back in the new term.
Our P1 pupils are looking forward to theri teddy bear picnic which is taking place on Friday 23rd June. This will be a lovely way for our pupils to end the year and hopefully enjoy a delicious picnic with their friends and teachers.
Our P7 children are rehearsing and preparing so well for their end of year show 'Cinderella and Rockerfella'. There is a matinee performance on Wednesday 14th June at 1:30pm and an evening performance on Thursday 15th June at 7:00pm for parents, these are ticketed performances. All the children in school will have an opportunity to see the show during the school day. We hope that you enjoy the show.
Our P4 children are very excited and looking forward to their First Holy Communion, which is taking place on Thursday 8th June at 4:00pm in St. Bernard's Church. The children can leave school at 12:00pm to get ready for their special day. Our whole school community will be thinking of and praying for our wonderful P4 children.
The St. Mary's on the Hill Summer Fair will take place this Saturday 3rd June on the school grounds. Everyone is welcome. We have some excellent prizes in this year's raffle, which can also be purchased through our School Money system. Lets hope for good weather.
We will be hoping for good weather this week as our Sports Day for P1 - P3 takes place on Thursday at St. Mary's on the Hill P.S. and P4 - P7 Sports Day takes place on Friday on the grass pitches at Carnmoney P.S. This is always an occassion that the children enjoy and we hope that you will be able to join us. Both Sports Days begin at 9:30am.
We pray for our P7 pupils who are receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit through their Confirmation. The ceremony takes place in St. Bernard's Church on Wednesday 10th May 2023 at 4:00 pm. We hope that all our P7 families enjoy the special day.
Parents/carers will receive the outcome of their Primary 1 applications for September 2023 on Thursday 27th April 2023 Applicants who applied online via EA Connect will receive an email on Thursday 27 April 2023. If you do not receive an email, please check your junk folder. If you applied using a paper application, you will receive information on your child’s pre-school or primary school place by a letter sent to your home address.
The PTA have organised a Bouncathon that will take place in the school's assembly hall next Tuesday 25th April in order to raise funds for our school. Thank you to everyone that has already sponsored the children, your generosity is very much appreciated. Also thank you to the St. Mary's on the Hill PTA for organising the event.
After the children's return from the Easter holidays, there is great excitement in our P1 classes. The boys and girls are really looking forward to their trip to ARK farm. We will keep you posted on our Facebook page on how they got on. To access our facebook page click on the link.
This week we walk with Jesus through his passion. The children will have the opportunity to visit St. Mary's on the Hill church with their teachers this week. This will be a time of reflection and joy as we celebrate Our Lord's resurrection. Please remember that school closes for the Easter break on Holy Thursday. We wish all our families, parish and wider community a holy and happy Easter. God bless.
During the season of Lent, we as a school community recognise that we must help those less fortunate as ourselves. This year we will be having Trocaire week again. For this week the children have worked with their teachers to come up with lots of different ways to raise money. Pyjama Days, bring and buy sales and raffles to name a few of the ideas. We look forward to helping people, as well as having fun.
Our Primary 3 children will be making their First Confession in St. Bernard's church on Monday (P3A) and Tuesday (P3B) this week at 4:00pm. We will keep all the boys and girls in our prayers during this special time.
This week we will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day. The pupils have been practising for their St. Patrick's Day concert on Wednesday. We are looking forward to singing, dancing, poetry and much more. The children will also be able to have a special St. Patrick's Day dinner on Wednesday too. A fabulous way to celebrate our Patron Saint. Please note school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th March.
Next week we are looking forward to Science Week. This will start for our school on Wednesday 8th March. The week promisies to give the children the opportunity to investigate, experiment and become excited with the world of science. A highlight for the week will be science workshops being held in our assembly hall for all the children. Keep a look out for photographs on our facebook page
This Thursday 2nd March St. Mary's on the Hill P.S. will be celebrating World Book Day. This is a day that we can celebrate all that is good and great about reading. We will be enjoying a variety of activities during this week that celebrates how much we all enjoy reading a good book.
Ash Wednesday will take place on Wednesday 22nd February. On this day the children will have the opportunity to reflect on their Lenten Promises and P4 - P7 will receive their ashes. We hope that everyone has the opportunity to experience the sense of renewal that the season of Lent provides.
Mid term break will commence on Friday 10th February at 12:00pm. The children will return to school on Monday 20th February. We hope all our pupils enjoy a very well earned rest!
The portal has now opened for parents of children entering P1 in September 2023 to apply for a place. Please visit the link which will bring you to the admissions page. If you are having difficulty in accessing the portal or need any support, please contact the school.
We are delighted to share with our entire school community that we have been awarded with distinction, The Spirit of Catholic Education Award 2022-2023. This is our second time achieving this award. This time it is in recognition of our school’s …‘outstanding commitment to Respect for the Environment as outlined in the quality indicators detailed in the Down and Connor Catholic Ethos: A Framework for Self-Reflection’. This award is for everyone in our school community and recognises the outstanding work that is ongoing by our pupils, staff and all who help and support our school. Well done to all involved.
The P5 pupils are looking forward to presenting their Carol Service on Tuesday 20th December at 11:00am. P3 - P7 pupils will be in attendance and parents/grandparents are invited also. The service promises to have our school community ready for the festive season.
This week sees some more of our Christmas activities for the children taking place. This includes Dress Rehearsal for P2's, Pantomime for P1 - P3, Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Dinner Day, School Choir Singing at local nursing homes. The dates for these activities can be found in December's Information Sway. We hope the children enjoy all these activities.
Prospective Primary 1 parents/carers, we are delighted to invite you and your child, to our open day on Friday 2nd December Come and experience, first hand, life in St. Mary’s on the Hill, including - Centre of pastoral excellence - Child centred learning and provision - Our amazing school choir - Engaging interactive activities - The informative and approachable Early Years team . Mr Matthew O’Brien (Principal) will host an information session at 9:30am in the school's assembly hall. We look forward to meeting you all.
Everyone is welcome to come along to our Winter Fair happening Saturday 26th November from 12pm - 3pm at our school. There will be a stalls, food, singing and even the first chance to meet Santa. We would love to see you all there.
Our Blessing Ceremony for the new classrooms and foyer is this Friday 28th October. This occasion will be marked by Fr. Pat Sheehan, and will take place at 12:30pm on Friday 28th October. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to invite everyone to the actual ceremony, however after the ceremony has finished the classrooms will be open from 1pm - 2pm for parents/carers and for those in our parish community who wish to come and visit. You will all be very welcome. Matthew O’Brien | Principal
NI Water are presenting an assembly on the importance of conserving water on the 22nd September. At our assembly we will be given a water butt for conservation of water in our school.
School will reopen for pupils in P2-7 on Wednesday 31st August 2022 for half day only. The school will close at 12pm on this day. A holiday list is available on the school website.
We are delighted to inform you that St Mary’s on the Hill has once again been successful in renewing our Eco School Green Flag. The Eco Award Team were very impressed with the ECO work and initiatives that are ongoing in the school. Congratulations to all concerned especially Mrs McConvey and the ECO councillors.
This year we will be hosting our annual Summer Fair again. This is a fantastic event and something that has been missed in our school community over the past two years. The Fair will take place on Saturday 11th June from 12pm – 3pm. If you would like to have a stall at the fair to sell some of your own material please contact the PTA who will organise a table. Uniform Stall Mr Carter will also be running his uniform stall, if anyone has any pieces of uniform that they wish to donate to this please leave them at the school for collection.
Trócaire Week 4th – 8 th April During this week we will be raising funds for Trócaire. The money we raise is so important in helping those countries most in need. Our school has always shown generosity to this charity and it is always very much appreciated. The children have been thinking hard about how they would like to fundraise; Years 1 – 4 will participate in a Sponsored Danceathon Year 5 are having a Penalty Shootout and a Bring and Buy sale. Year 6 will be doing a Sponsored Mile run/walk. Year 7 are completing a 5k walk and Easter Egg raffle.
Attached is a flyer from Parentline NI. Parentline NI have teamed up with Strive NI to deliver a workshop online on Tuesday 8th March 2022 from 7pm to 8pm focussing on anxiety-based school avoidance, the workshop will explore reasons why a child or young person may be finding it difficult to attend school, as well as providing practical strategies for parents/carers to support children to return more willingly to the school environment.
The application process for admission to post-primary will open on Tuesday 1st February 2022 at 12 noon and closes on Wednesday 23rd February at 4:00pm. To access information and videos on the process please click the link below: The Education Authority recommends that you select 4 schools including at least one non-grammar in order to have the best chance to have your child placed in a school. The process for application is managed fully online and can be completed at any time between the dates given. Matthew O’Brien | Acting Principal St. Mary’s on the Hill Primary School ‘Learn to Love, Love to Learn’ 142 Carnmoney Road | Newtownabbey | BT36 6JU Tel: 028 9083 6284 | Email: W:
Dear Parents/carers, Unfortunately, we will not be holding an Open Day this year due to Covid restrictions. However, if you are thinking of sending your child to our school, please take a look at our Promotional Video and school Prospectus which are available to view on the website. If you would like to talk to the Principal about your child coming to St Mary’s on the Hill, please telephone the school on 028 90836 284. Application forms for P1 September 2022 can be submitted online between the 10th January 12noon and the 28th January at 12noon.
Anti-Bullying Week— One Kind Word 15th – 19th November Over the course of the year, in St Mary’s on the Hill, we have had a very proactive curriculum which helps us to reduce the number of bullying episodes recorded in the school. Through the pupils’ PDMU programme, circle time activities, religion programme and ICT lessons, we limit the amount of relationship issues that can develop into bullying. We also encourage and seek the help of outside agencies such as the NSPCC to deliver assemblies to support the pupils in our school. During Anti-Bullying week, the children will participate in a range of activities on the topic of Anti-Bullying. The week will begin with Odd Socks day on Monday 15th November.
On-Line Mass & Prayer Services Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions we have organised with Fr Pat a number of online Masses and Prayer Services. The Opening of the New School Year Mass took place on Thursday, 30th September and was attended virtually by children in P4 -7. Further masses are scheduled below.
Cool for School Photographer will be in the school on the 14th and 15th October.